EOTC programmes provide students with access to hands-on experiences that are not available inside the classroom. They offer unique and stimulating learning opportunities that support your child’s learning and achievement. These programmes are aligned with the National Curriculum suggest ways you can assist your child’s school to maximise learning and safety during EOTC experiences. Browse these links to find:
Treemendous Outdoor Learning Space
We applied for a MAZDA Treemendous Makeover in 2017 for funding to create a space to encourage native fauna to visit our school grounds, and were thrilled to learn that our application was successful. Over the next three months, we recycled cardboard boxes from school deliveries, the Bulls 4 Square and from our school community. The boxes were flattened and used as ground cover, then mulch (donated by TreeScape) was spread over the top. When we came to plant the trees, shrubs, groundcover, etc, the weeds, cardboard and mulch had improved the soil by increasing the worm population and water retention. Paths and seating areas were installed by volunteers from our community before the big planting day in April 2018. Since then, the plants have thrived and the children have been thrilled to see frogs in the flax (harakeke), Red and Yellow Admiral butterflies, increased numbers of birds, praying mantises, and many types of bees and other flying insects. We are excited to see what will move in next!
A big thank you to the Cancer Society
Clifton School is a SunSmart School. We applied to the Cancer Society for re-accreditation, and were delighted to learn that we won this year's draw. Part of the prize was a shade tree to be planted somewhere in our school grounds. Cassie Pui from the Cancer Society very kindly chose a Titoki for us, and Bethany (Rm7) planted it in our Treemendous Outdoor Learning Space on Thursday, 19 May 2022 (see right).
Class Trips and Visits:
As part of the class programme, day visits (or in the case of middle or senior schools, up to five day camps) are undertaken by classes. These are a valuable extension of the class programme and involve a large amount of work and organisation. However, their value is unquestioned.
Parent/caregiver help on such excursions is essential and any offers of transport or supervision at these times are greatly appreciated. Parents/caregivers offering transport are requested to be fully licensed, with a warranted and registered car. All occupants must wear a seatbelt and the driver must hold a full licence.
On Camp
Athletics Day
Bulls Christmas Parade
Planting on the Rangitikei River Bank